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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


A while I ago I posted something on vulvar vestibulitis (pain around the vaginal opening). Vivian recently sent me some information on Vulvodynia which includes any sort of pain or discomfort of the vulva (mistakenly called the vagina). Click here for some more information on this condition, as well as the program that is devoted to treating vulvodynia at the gynaecology clinic at Women's College hospital in Toronto.

You must get a referral from your family doctor before you can see a gyneacologist. If your doctor is not accommodating or does not believe/understand/give a damn about your pain then try to find another doctor who will give you a referral.

- Alice


Anonymous said...

Great that you have information about Vulvodynia. As a sex therapist, I see frequently see women and their partners while they struggle with this, and highly suggest a multidisciplinary approach.

Dr. Stephanie Buehler

Women's Alternative Sexual Health (WASH) said...

What does your approach entail? Or what are some tips that you can offer? If you like, you can submit something brief to that we could post on our blog. We will of course credit you for your submission.

- Alice