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Friday, March 20, 2009


I have been dealing with unbelievable cramps this week. Here are some quick tips you can try that might help.

DIY Acupressure:
Apply pressure to the inside of your anklebones with your thumb. Hold for ten seconds.

Quick Yoga: Alternate child's pose with savasana and wind relieving posture (alternatively to what is shown on this website, you can try bringing both knees to your chest, and holding your elbows with opposite hands, wrapped over your knees). Breathe! In through the nose, out through the mouth. Concentrate on taking deep breaths that fill your lungs with air. When in savasana place your hands on your belly and when inhaling make sure it fills up and expands. Hold for a moment. Release.

Apply heat: Drink hot tea! It's comforting. Get a hot water bottle (preferably one with a soft cover) and snuggle with it.

*Note: According to Alice drinking Dandelion tea a few days before your period prevents insane cramping. For more info about this e-mail us at

- Vivian

1 comment:

Women's Alternative Sexual Health (WASH) said...

Diuretics are supposed to help with cramping if used consistently a few days before the expected period. I wouldn't recommend taking ex-lax or any other strong laxatives (especially if it's for more than one day). Some helpful options are drinking dandelion tea, cranberry juice or aloe vera juice. I still get menstrual cramps, but they do not last as long and are not as painful. If anyone has any other tips, please email us!

- Alice