
WASH wants you to submit thoughts, articles, stories, links, ideas, reviews, stats/data, resources, questions…anything relevant to be posted on our blog!!!


*Please indicate if you want your name to be published with your entry. If you want to be completely anonymous please feel free to access the following email account to contact us from here:

password: secret

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Contraceptives for men!

Here's a great site on methods of contraception for men.

The mission statement on the homepage says it all: "We believe that men can, and should, have access to contraceptive options beyond condoms and vasectomies."

I think that this site presents this issue very well. It discusses and disproves common beliefs about men, that they're irresponsible and/or uninterested in contraception/family planning. This myth has been used as an excuse for pharmaceutical companies in North America to not invest in research for effective male contraceptives. Heterosexuality definitely plays a role in how men are supposed to feel about sex... But I'm betting that there are a lot of men who would be interested in effective contraceptive methods that they can use. I'm not sure how effective these methods are, but it's great to know that there are options out there!

- Vivian

NOTE: The methods described on this website are not readily available. In fact, the only way to get your hands on them is by participating in clinical trials (for the time being). What's important, however, is the fact that several of the methods mentioned are in the stages of testing and will likely be available to the public once proven safe and effective.

Smokers... it's a good time to quit

Here's an article from the Washington Post urging women to quit smoking!

"Smoking also significantly increases the risk of many other cancers in women, including breast, oral, pharynx, larynx, esophageal, pancreatic, kidney, bladder, uterine, and cervical cancers." It affects your entire body, not just your lungs!

- Alice

Thursday, November 27, 2008


A Fat Rant

A wonderful rant by a woman named Joy Nash.

- Vivian

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Get Tested Week!

We've started a facebook event. From January 11th to the 17th, we are hoping that individuals will commit to getting tested for STD/I's as well as pap smears for women. It's something that can be very difficult to do, but is very important for your health, as well as the health of your sexual partner(s). As we've said on the event page "Remember: Monogamous or not, getting tested is a must! Testing should not be offensive to your partner - it should be an indication that you want to keep the relationship healthy and safe."

The event page also contains links to health clinics across Toronto. If you are not in Toronto, please email us and we will find a clinic near you.

Be Responsible! Be Safe.

- Vivian & Alice

Monday, November 24, 2008

Transgendered children

Here's an article about transgendered children. I think that it's an interesting examination of the different ways in which families deal with this issue, and how it's been approached as a psychological illness that requires therapy. It was actually the Transgender day of rememberance on November 20th. This is a day to remember those who have been killed in acts of transgender hate.

If anyone's interested, one of my new favourite movies is called "Ma Vie en Rose" or "My Life in Pink". It takes place in Belgium and it follows the life of a young boy who wants to be a girl. Here's some more info.

- Alice

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Number Two is Taboo

Target Women: Number Two

Similar to the last target women video that I posted (Period Control), this video is about another aspect of the myth of femininity, that women don't poop. Enjoy!

- Alice

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Pill

Here's an informative site about the different types of hormonal contraceptive pills.

- Vivian

Monday, November 17, 2008

Product Review: An Alternative Perspective on the Rock Chick

I did not enjoy the rock chick. Maybe it’s just not the right shape for my vagina or something but I find it really uncomfortable. It’s very flexible, going from the V shape to an L shape when you insert it. But, I find that as soon as you let go, it tries to get back to the V shape, closing up and making it really uncomfortable. I tried to make it work for a while, but now I just feel like I’ve wasted $100. I think that it was a great idea, but in practise it just didn’t work out the way that I’d hoped.

- Alice

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Adiposivity Project

This project is trying to broaden the definition of beauty/attractiveness. Some of the comments beneath the post were very interesting too.

- Alice

Fun Fact: Endometrial Sparing

Endometrial sparing is when a woman's body recycles the lining of the uterus instead of shedding it. This means that menstruation is incredibly brief and light. I recently met a woman who experiences this kind of menstruation. She said that her period is so light that all she has to do is wipe with a piece of toilet paper and she's done. No pads, tampons, cramps, head aches etc. etc. Wouldn't that be nice?

- Alice

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sexy Quote of the Month

"Masturbation is like tuning a radio -you don't know what frequencies you'll enjoy until you play with the knobs."
-Jayme Waxman

Tabling Nov.17th Volunteers needed!!!

We will be tabling at the York University Keele Campus in Vari Hall on November 17th between 10am & 2pm. The purpose is to raise awareness on alternative menstrual products (cloth reusable pads, chemical free disposable pads/tampons, menstrual cups). We may also be giving out samples of some products (provided our contact can get them to us on time). If anyone is available to help us out please email us or just show up at that date time. We need volunteers to
1) help set up/break down the table/chairs
2) hand out samples
3) hand out pamphlets

So even if it's only for 30 minutes on a break or before/after class we'd really appreciate it!!!

Anyone including non-members can volunteer, but we can only provide reference letters for those who are official WASH members (so don't forget to sign up with your full name and student number!!!)

- Alice & Vivian