
WASH wants you to submit thoughts, articles, stories, links, ideas, reviews, stats/data, resources, questions…anything relevant to be posted on our blog!!!


*Please indicate if you want your name to be published with your entry. If you want to be completely anonymous please feel free to access the following email account to contact us from here:

password: secret

Friday, November 20, 2009

Nobody warned me about the noises

Call for Submissions

WASH is in the process of putting together a new zine issue! (Currently we have
two issues out which you can get more information about here)

We want this issue to be filled by experience-based pieces about the funny/awkward/odd parts of sex that nobody talks about (and by sex, of course, we are referring to any and all of its gazillion variations and definitions). Among other things, this was inspired by something a mortified friend said to one of us shortly after she began having sex with a partner: "NOBODY WARNED ME ABOUT THE NOISES!!!!"

I think that sums up a lot about what we want to do with this.

Anyway, basically we want to discuss all the cringing and sloppiness and flopping and awkwardness that really plays a part of any kind of sex. As we mentioned, this zine is going to be largely based on personal/experience pieces and so, we are looking for you to submit stories, poetry, art, anything that you feel is relevant and you feel comfortable sharing. We welcome anonymous entries - please specify whether you want your name/information disclosed with your submission.

Please send submissions, inquiries, anything to:

If you don't feel comfortable using your own e-mail address, feel free to access our anonymous e-mail account and send your submission through there:
password: secret

*Please type "Submission: nobody warned me" in the subject field.

- Vivian

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