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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Masturbation 101 for women

It's difficult for women to feel comfortable masturbating, or even talk about it when faced with a multitude of double standards. If you do it/talk about it you’re a whore/slut/dirty. If you don’t do it or just don’t talk about it then you’re a prude/tease/nun. Everyone has sexual urges, but repressing them may make you feel like you're just not sexual or horny.

Here's a fun way to masturbate for the first time without getting a cramp in your hand or buying a sex toy. Jump in the shower, turn on the water and have the shower head shooting at your clitoris. If you don't have a moving shower head then just lay under the faucet with your legs spread open. It should start to feel good in a few minutes and if you wait a little longer, you just might have an orgasm (or more than one if you're lucky!).

Give it a try. It's free and easy and it could change your life!

- Masturbation method borrowed from "Vagina's: an Owner's Manual" (but I'm sure that they weren't the first one's to try it!)

- Alice

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