The weakening of vaginal, anal, urethral muscles occurs over time because of gravity, child birth, and aging. First a brief explanation of the internal female organs.
The frontal wall of the colon is the back wall of the vaginal canal. The front wall of the vaginal canal is the back wall of the urethal canal. So if vaginal walls are weak, so too will be the urethral and colon walls. This means that an individual may urinate accidentally and/or have difficulty eliminating feces completely from the colon. So what can you do to keep your muscles strong?
1) Kegel exercises: This should be done every time you urinate (or at least once a day). You do this by first starting to urinate and then trying to stop the flow. If you can stop it completely, hold it for a few seconds before starting again.
2) Headstand yoga posture: To reverse the effects of gravity, standing on your head for a minute or two everyday can help take some pressure off of this area. I've posted a picture to illustrate the positioning of your arms, but you can do this up against a wall to support your backside. First place a pillow on the floor infront of a wall. Kneel down facing the wall. Put your palms together and cross your fingers. Bend your elbows and place your arms on the pillow making a 'v' shape. Bend over and put the top of your head on the floor, aiming for the back of your head to be in the point of the 'v' you've made. Push off from the ground with your feet and stretch your legs vertically up the wall.
- Alice
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