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Saturday, September 6, 2008


One of the reasons we began WASH was to try to get people interested in talking/thinking about their bodies. Witnessing countless individuals' (from university students to people with children) sheer disbelief/amazement/outrage on numerous occasions upon finding out that women enjoy not one, not two, but three holes in their genital area was enough for us to try to start some sort of intervention. And this what we hope WASH will become - a way for people to engage in asking and answering questions, to discuss difficult topics, and to reach new levels of comfort and self-appreciation. For people to feel understood, and to understand others as well as themselves a little better...this is important! The precise number of "holes" a woman possesses can be (and evidently often is) written off as a petty technicality. But it isn't petty! For us, this little lacuna in the realm of what should be general knowledge created enough of a spark to push us to do something. Let's see where this goes!

So, for the record:
1) Urethra
2) Vagina
3) Anus
(Grab a mirror and take a look!)

- Vivian

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