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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wondering what to do with all those leftover tampons?

There are lots of alternative menstrual products out there for women. Organic pads and tampons, reusable pads, Diva Cups, Keepers, etc. Non organic tampons (so your big brand Tampax, Always, etc) are made of rayon (derived from wood/pulp) and then bleached to look white. This bleaching process produces dioxins which are carcinogenic (cancer causing). The synthetic fibers in these tampons can also remain in a women's uterus even once the tampon has been removed. Kind of unsettling, right?

If you haven't already, check out some of these friendly alternatives,
Diva Cup

And if you're already one of the converted and are wondering what to do with all those leftover tampons, why not get creative and try some tampon crafts!

Tampon Ghosts?

Or maybe a Pan flute (my personal favourite)! It actually works, too!

I thought this website was too funny not to share.

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