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Friday, May 29, 2009


Isn't it disturbing that the term 'feminism' has been co-opted to reflect this consumerist notion of freedom and women's rights? I mean, the idea that gender equity has been established because (some) women can now buy themselves a plethora of rings, shoes, and purses is just so bizarre. I really find this completely depoliticized version of "Carrie Bradshaw" feminism really problematic. So when I came across this "fashionism" site the other day, I couldn't resist. I had to comment.

I mean 'isms' (like feminism, communism etc.) are supposed to reflect some kind of politicizing of life experiences. I would not place fashion in this same realm. I'm not trying to say that fashion is totally evil and that any woman who is fashionable (what ever that may mean) cannot be a feminist. But, it is undeniable that some warped version of feminism is parading around in a "less threatening", sanitized way. I believe that this connection between consumerism and empowerment has knocked feminist progress in North America back 20 paces from where it should be today. Yes, there are activists and feminists out there today who are trying to do something constructive, and who are keeping the "spirit" of feminism alive, but the consensus today seems to be that feminism is a thing of the past. Women are supposedly equal to men. This is hardly the case!

To all of you out there who are blogging, reading, writing, talking etc. in the name of feminism, keep it up! We need to re-politicize the various struggles that women all over the world are facing today. We continue to struggle, and our voices must be heard! Feminism is not dead, and it is a valuable tool today!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

This is why I had an absolutely problem with "Sex and the City" movie! Because Carrie Bradshaw would always say things like, "EVERY WOMAN comes to New York for labels or for love.. " (rather than the fact that most women go to N.Y.C to work!).. "EVERY WOMAN kind of women in New York meets together at one special place [the super expensive auction].. "EVERY WOMAN comes together each spring [to see the fashion show].." Argh, nothing pisses me more off than her phrase "every woman" because she is OBVIOUSLY saying "EVERY WOMAN WHO FITS THE UPPER-CLASS, WHITE, HETEROSEXUAL FEMININE IMAGE OF BEING ABLE TO AFFORD DESIGNER STUFF!" What about those domestic workers, migrant workers, etc.? Why are THEY not counted as part of "every woman"? It's because in a capitalist society, they don't matter! And "Sex and the City" completely embodies that!