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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Woman complains about being assaulted
Did anyone else notice that the victim of assault was repeatedly refered to as the complainant? God forbid a woman should COMPLAIN about being sexually assaulted! I guess the writer of the article felt that a good woman knows her place, so to speak and so she should just keep quiet. It's as if they're likening the act of speaking up against sexual assault to a grumpy old neighbour complaining about the kids next door who always step on their grass. Sexual assault just doesn't seem to be taken seriously. Furthermore, it paints the actor of assault in a passive voice, as if he was doing something normal/natural and this woman was just being difficult.
It's amazing how the language one uses can alter how one perceives a situation.
Ladyfest seeks volunteers!
New Dates!
Ladyfest 2009 will kick off November 4th with Grannyboots at the Gladstone Hotel Ballroom! We are still organizing the rest of the events for the weekend following.
Volunteer with Ladyfest
We are always looking for people to organize with us! The first meetings for potential committee volunteers will take place near the beginning of September. All committee meetings will take place at free and wheelchair accessible spaces. If you are interested in joining a committe (such as arts, music, film, fundraising), or you want a smaller commitment, email your name, interest, and availability to
Check out their blog here
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Marshall Miller and Dorian Slot

Check out the page for this particular workshop here.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Event: Orgasm for Peace!
Click here to be directed to the group.
I think that it's a great idea. My only criticism of the group/event description is that it was said that war is about "men trying impress their potential mates". I think that ideas of masculinity and femininity are central to militarism and war, but I think that it's much more complicated than men and their alleged "mating habits". Regardless, I hope that many of you will be having an orgasm on the first day of winter (December 21st) and thinking of peace.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Volunteers needed for Women's Only Gym Times At The York Keele Campus!
The YFS has been able to secure women’s only gym times at the Tait Mackenzie Recreational Facility in Several Fitness Spaces. In order for the Weight Room to function, we are in need of volunteers. Attached is a message calling on all female applicants interested in volunteering for the position. Would you be able to send this to the Women’s Studies Department List Serve?
The York Federation of Students (YFS) is proud to announce that we have been successful in winning Women’s Only Gym Times at the Tait Mackenzie recreational facility. Women’s only gym time provides a comfortable and safe space for women to participate and enjoy recreational activities and has become a growing trend in the recreational programming of many campuses and fitness companies.
In order to supervise the recreational space, we are looking for female volunteers to monitor the area. Once applications are reviewed, volunteers will be provided with training by the Tait Mackenzie recreational facility staff.
Women’s only gym time hours will be dependent on the response we receive for volunteers and we encourage all applicants to provide their maximum availability.
Darshika Selvasivam
Sunday, August 2, 2009
WASH Zine @ Bluestockings NYC!
Bluestockings is a book store, fair trade cafe, and activist center in lower Manhattan. They host tons of readings, performances, film screenings, and workshops. If you're ever in Manhattan this place is a must to check out!
And of course, if you're in Toronto, our zine is still available at the Toronto Women's Bookstore.