Luke Madonia is a York student who teaches yoga at the Keele campus.
"My classes change with the seasons and the needs of the students. They are typically gentle, informative, lighthearted, warm and restorative."
You can find Luke on Mondays at 3pm in the Student Centre (403).Below is some information on yoga and menstruation put together by Luke that we thought would be of interest to those who follow this blog!
- Vivian
BY: LUKE MADONIADelayed Menses
- Doing yoga regularly helps mitigate the stress that causes your cycle to go off kilter.
- Doing restful, restorative poses when you feel overwhelmed, overworked or on the edge will calm your nervous system and give your reproduce system a chance to get back on track.
Heavy Bleeding
- Focus on poses that open up the pelvic region, which has a drying effect on the uterus (practice against the wall for support).
- Take care not to stay in the pose too long; instead, go in and out of it a few times.
- Don’t try to get better at or go deeper into a pose.
- Never do inversions when you are bleeding (headstand, shoulder stand, plough pose, downward-facing dog, legs-up-the-wall)
- Inversions pull your uterus toward your head which cause the broad ligaments to overstretch.
- Relax completely in each pose. Soften your abdomen, let your brain relax deeply, and direct your breath to any areas that feel discomfort – your abdomen, your head, and your legs.
- Relax your vaginal walls completely now is not the time to focus on toning that area.
- Lots of rest during the first day or so of your period, and gentle yoga asanas (poses) to relive cramps, reduce stress, and deliver fresh blood to your pelvic region.
- Soft instrumental music can help you turn inward, quiet your mind, and relax more deeply.
- Perform: Supta Baddha Konasana (reclining bound angle pose) using a strap, bolster and blanket.
- Reduce dairy products and animal protein in your diet.
- Reduce stress by increasing relaxation and body awareness activities.
PMS- If you eat junk food, drink lots of caffeinated beverages, function with very little sleep, lack an exercise routine and consistently fail to deal with your emotions you can count on problems later on in the month.
- Yoga eases stress and promotes relaxation so the hypothalamus can regulate your hormones more efficiently.
- Practice yoga consistently.
- If you feel irritable or angry do the poses with props.
Once your period is over
- Don’t rush into things. Your body needs to regain strength and stamina
- Don’t do backbends right away, allow your body to recover from the fatigue of your monthly cycle
- Do incorporate inversions because they help dry up your uterus, restore your endocrine system, increase circulation in your abdominal region, and help your body regain its strength
- Don’t do a lot of standing poses the first couple of days if you still feel fatigue. Ease into them.
Staying Healthy All Month Long
1. Get sufficient rest: rest during the first day of your period. Relax, listen to calming music, paint, go for walks with no particular place to go. Lighten your school work load, take the evening off.
2. Be Selfish: The first day or two of your period is a time for reflection. If you meditate, now is a good time to practice loving-kindness toward yourself, your family, and your friends. Do things that make you feel good about being You.
3. Exercise in Moderation: exercise is fine (unless you are having debilitating cramps) just don’t overdo it. Walking or gentle yoga stretches work best. During the rest of the month, a consistent yoga practice and moderate aerobic exercise should help prevent PMS and menstrual problems from occurring in the first place.
4. Eat Pacifying Foods: During the first day or two of your cycle, eat warm foods that are easy to digest, such as rice (soak them in water overnight) cooked green veggies and soups. Avoid cold, raw foods, as well as anything else that’s hard to digest, such as red meat, cheese and chocolate. Sip warm water throughout the day to aid digestion and have lemon ginger tea before meals to aid digestion. Avoid drinking coffee and soda, and alcoholic beverages. Substitute processed foods with home-cooked whole foods.
5. Modify your routine: Baths disrupt the natural rhythm of your menstrual flow, so shower the first few days of your period. After that, treat yourself to a warm oil massage or a facial to distress your nervous system and soothe your mind. Whenever you can, wear menstrual pads rather than tampons, especially during the first few days of your period to encourage the downward flow of blood.
Source: The Woman’s Book Of Yoga & Health