
WASH wants you to submit thoughts, articles, stories, links, ideas, reviews, stats/data, resources, questions…anything relevant to be posted on our blog!!!


*Please indicate if you want your name to be published with your entry. If you want to be completely anonymous please feel free to access the following email account to contact us from here:

password: secret

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wondering what to do with all those leftover tampons?

There are lots of alternative menstrual products out there for women. Organic pads and tampons, reusable pads, Diva Cups, Keepers, etc. Non organic tampons (so your big brand Tampax, Always, etc) are made of rayon (derived from wood/pulp) and then bleached to look white. This bleaching process produces dioxins which are carcinogenic (cancer causing). The synthetic fibers in these tampons can also remain in a women's uterus even once the tampon has been removed. Kind of unsettling, right?

If you haven't already, check out some of these friendly alternatives,
Diva Cup

And if you're already one of the converted and are wondering what to do with all those leftover tampons, why not get creative and try some tampon crafts!

Tampon Ghosts?

Or maybe a Pan flute (my personal favourite)! It actually works, too!

I thought this website was too funny not to share.

Monday, June 15, 2009


WASH is really pleased to present issue #1 of its brand new zine!! Issue number one tackles, Hormonal Birth Control, an important topic that people do not know enough about! This issue tackles hormonal birth control myths and misconceptions, and begins to dissect what it is, how it works, and how it affects women's bodies. In conjunction with the zine there is another book that goes into more detail about each individual method and its medical and non medical (active and inactive) ingredients and what you should know about them. There are a limited amount of handmade, handbound, silkscreened copies for sale for $10. There are also photocopied copies available for anyone who is interested. We will accept pwyc donations for them but no one will be refused one for lack of funds. If you would like either copy, please get in contact with us and we will send you one!

Starting June 19th copies will also be available for purchase at Toronto's, Heartbeat 960 (960 Queen St West) and for reading at the Toronto Zine Library located at Brunswick and Bloor! The Sheridan Zine Library as well as the Zine Library at the Ontario College of Art & Design will also be carrying copies shortly. We will be working on getting the zine into more and more locations so we will keep you updated. If you have a distro, store or space that would like to carry our zine, please get in contact with us!

And finally, WASH now has miniature hand knit uterus pins (currently in pink or multicoloured)! They are cute and only four dollars. Want to support the cause? You can donate and get one in return!

The purpose of our zine is not to dictate but to educate and inform those interested, unsure or curious. Learning is fun!

Please email us with any interest or feedback!


Artist of the month: Shannon Gerard (by popular demand)

This month's artist is not only one of Toronto's best print and book art artists (in my opinion), but also one of the best people i've met in a long time, and recently had the privilege of having as an instructor. Shannon Gerard is most well known for her crocheted boobs and penis' that come with a hand made booklet with illustrated instructions on how to do your own self examinations. The penis or breast contain a lump inside them that the user must find using the method of self examination explained in the book. She also crochets nipples, mustaches, and 'mature' finger puppets (entitled, Four Play). Shannon also creates and self publishes her own books. Her work is hand made, beautiful, playful, sincere and honest. Her books and book art such as her series, Hung, draw a lot from personal experience. She confronts us with the difficulties and complexities of human interaction, intimacy and emotion that is on going in every day life.
Shannon teaches at the Ontario College of Art and Design and constantly encourages her students to contribute their ideas to the community by partaking in self publication and independent practices. You can catch her and her work at many Toronto independent press events such as Canzine, Small Press Book Fair, or the Toronto Comic Arts Fair. What i most appreciate about her work is her interest in education and outreach. Her website lists many helpful websites and locations for those who are interested in getting into print or book art/publication in Canada. Her humor and good nature leaks even through the type on her website. Her work and attitude is exactly the type of thing we love to see here at WASH: work that encourages understanding, tolerance, education, and support from our very own community.To view more of her work, check out her catalogue at her website. You can also check out her entire array of crocheted work over at Etsy.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vulvae vary!

Firstly, the correct name for the "female" genitalia is the vulva. The vagina is only a very small part. It is the hole just below the urethra where menstrual blood and other fluids are excreted... where fingers, penises, toys etc. can be inserted... etc. Now that this is settled I can move on to the main course.

Vulvae vary in shape, size and colour. A friend of mine sent me a link to where I found the following pictures of various vulvae. Click here to see more pictures drawn by Betty Dodson.

Here's a labelled diagragram of a vulva. Unfortunately I can't remember the site where I found it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Event: Why Sex Matters (in medicine)

Women's College Hospital presents Why Sex Matters (in medicine)

Where: Sutton Place Hotel, Queen Victoria Ballroom, 2nd Floor, 955 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario
When: 8 Jun 09 (7:30 - 9:00 am)